April 2016 Meetup - The State of Node Security

07 March 2016

The Seattle Node.js Meetup is pleased announce our meetup on Tuesday, April 5th with a discussion of the state of Node.js security.

As always, you can find all things Seattle Node.js-related at the group website: http://seanode.github.io/. And you can reach out to us via email at seattlenode@gmail.com or Twitter at @seattlenode.

See you soon!


6:30 - 7:00pm: Start with beverages and food, courtesy of CDK Global.

7:00pm - 8:30pm: Listen and learn about all the things you should be doing in your Node.js application to keep them secure.

8:30pm - on: Mingle, mix, chat things Node.js-related and more as we wind down.


The State of Node Security

Adam Baldwin - CSO &yet

This talk will discuss the current state of node security. How does that compare to 4 years ago when the node security project started. What vulnerabilities and patterns have we found in the hundreds of applications and the thousands of modules we have audited in that time and what you and your organizations can do to reduce risk in those areas.

Adam Baldwin is the Chief Security Officer at &yet and the Team Lead at ^lift security where he helps developers secure all the web things! He is the Founder of the Node Security Project & talks about node security non-stop. In his free time Adam enjoys doing basically the exact same stuff he does for work, also raising chickens, and spending as much time as possible with his wife and 2 children.

NodeJS Development and Hardware Interfacing on Raspberry Pi

Chintan Pathak - Systems/Control Engineer Maple Lab

With this talk and demonstration, we will focus on showing the strength of Raspberry Pi as a prototyping platform. We will also address how to use Cloud9 as a remote IDE for NodeJS development on Raspberry Pi 2. The ideas discussed will be widely accessible, including for those without much former hardware knowledge.

Chintan is currently working as a Research Scholar in the MAPLE Lab at the University of Washington, Seattle. The focus of the lab is in solving stiff multi-physics multi-scale models, typically found in electrochemical systems. Chintan specializes in interfacing sensors and actuators with computers/micro-controllers. This means working with Embedded C on micro-controllers and C/NodeJS on the PC to enable communication. His favorite form of deployment happens to be a web-application and he uses socket.io to enable real-time display of sensor data in the browser. While originally a Civil and Structural Engineering trainer and consultant, Chintan is now a systems/control engineer in the MAPLE lab.

Venue / Sponsor

CDK Global has graciously agreed to host the event and provide food and tasty beverages. CDK Global’s offices are located at: 605 Fifth Avenue South, 9th Floor, Seattle, WA 98104-3889.

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